Less than 24 hours after the publication of the new ‘Most Wanted List’ by Crimestoppers, the National Police have arrested Joshua Hendry in Malaga.
Airlines and travel firms are experiencing a surge in demand following Boris Johnson’s road map for how coronavirus restrictions will be eased. The Prime Minister said on Monday that a Government taskforce will produce a report by April 12 recommending how international trips can resume for people in England. Foreign holidays could be permitted from …
Chinese football team Wuhan Zall coached by Spaniard José González arrive in Spain in wake of Caronovirus alert
Chief Sports Editor LEADER EXCLUSIVE
Wuhan Zall...
The city of Málaga is launching a test of an autonomous bus, which will be a pioneering experiment into the viability of new smart-city mobility projects. Although tests of autonomous buses have already been carried out in various locations, this one is the first to use a vehicle which is a standard-sized bus, rather than …