The Councillor for Local Police, Mobility and Traffic in Torrevieja, Federico Alarcón, has announced that intelligent road signs have been installed in various parts of the town, all in a bid to improve road safety. They are interactive, illuminated road signs that are activated through sensors, which send a signal when they detect the passage …
In 2021 there were 921 fatal accidents on Spanish roads in which 1,004 people died and another 3,728 were seriously injured. These figures represent 97 fewer deaths (-9%) than in 2019 (reference year) and the second best year in the historical series, only behind 2020, the year in which 870 people died but this is …
A woman, said by emergency services to be 68-years-of-age, was knocked down and killed on Tuesday near Torrevieja´s Park of Nations. The woman was crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when an articulated truck collided with her as it was leaving the N-332 main road on the slip road that leads to the main …
A woman, said by emergency services to be 68-years-of-age, was knocked down and killed on Tuesday near Torrevieja´s Park of Nations. The woman was crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when an articulated truck collided with her as it was leaving the N-332 main road on the slip road that leads to the main …