Mojácar council approves its job related RPT

Mojácar council approves its job related RPT

Mojácar Council recently held an extraordinary plenary session which, among other items on the agenda, included final approval to the Relación de Puestos de Trabajo (RPT), which clarifies work positions within the Council according to public employment law.

The RPT list of jobs in a Public Administration, is a mandatory tool based on current legislation that aims to define the structure of positions and work roles to achieve optimal management of public employees.

A mandatory negotiating table was set up in Mojácar, which after all contributions, statements and proposals for modification were made and resolved, the final document that was approved in the plenary session.

This was followed, in the same plenary session, by a vote from the Councillors present to elect the Justice of the Peace and a Substitute for subsequent appointment by the Superior Court of Justice.  Those elected will carry out their duties in Mojácar for a period of four years, following the end of the current legal term of office.

The Mojácar Justice of the Peace performs the functions of a public registry whose purpose is to enter officially recorded details on civil status, as well as names, births, deaths, personal details, sex and nationality, among other tasks set out by the General Judiciary Council.