Garden Felix – The Lady Banks Rose


Rosa banksiae, also known as The Lady Banks Rose or Banks’ Rose, is an evergreen climbing rose, which also works well as a ground-cover rose.

A thornless climbing rose, it is ideal for a garden, that has children and pets running around.

It flowers in Spring, with miniature double white or yellow flowers appearing in clusters. The foliage is small and fern like.

Banksia rose will tolerate a wide range of soil types, but, it prefers well drained moist soil, which is rich with organic matter. It requires a sunny position, if it is to flower well.

When watering, keep moist in its first year, until established. In dry conditions it’s drought tolerant. Remember it absolutely dislikes the soil being waterlogged.

Use a slow release or rose fertiliser during the growing period. Add a layer of mulch, to keep in the moisture, however, keep the mulch away from the stem.

It can grow to a height and width of 9m. Prune to shape and to keep vigorous, however, annual pruning is not required.

If required, prune in Summer, immediately after the main flush of flowers is over, around the end of Spring or early Summer.

These plants flower on last season’s wood, so pruning in Winter will mean an absence of flowers for the following season. Remove any damaged branches.

They are excellent for covering a fence or bare wall, and will quickly cover the area.