Day hospital acquired for children with Mental Health issues in Alicante


The Generalitat has acquired the property that will house the first day hospital for children and adolescents suffering from for Mental Health issues in Alicante

The property is located at No 10, Calle Hogar Provincial, and was purchased at a cost of 1,537,928.15 euros.

It is a plot of 4,143 square meters in which there are three buildings that are already adapted as a clinic for the treatment of behavioural disorders and alcoholism, drug dependency and a hospital detoxification unit.

The Minister of Finance and the Economic Model, Arcadi España, said that this property “meets the necessary conditions for it to start operating next May. He added that it can be put into operation immediately and can be integrated into the mental health network of the Ministry of Health”.

The Minister said that this purchase highlights “the commitment of the Consell to improve the fundamental public services in Alicante and the purpose of allocating more resources and investments to reinforce the public health system, which is available to all.

Miguel Mínguez, the Minister of Health, highlighted “the importance of the operation of this facility for the child and youth population who require mental health care.”

The Minister said that he is spearheading “a major effort to increase mental health resources, not only the infrastructure but also with human resources, which will allow us to guarantee a Comprehensive and more personalised service to those people who suffer from a pathology related to mental health”.