The province of Alicante continues to be plagued by a drought that is affecting more and more towns. A few days ago Teulada declared its tap water unfit for drinking, and on Friday it was the Town Hall of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell which made the same announcement. In this case, the cause was the excess of salts derived from marine intrusion, so it should only be used for  personal cleaning and hygiene.

Through a notice signed by the mayor, Miguel Ángel García Buigues, the council has said that this is a consequence of the drought situation over the last two years, which has caused the salinization of its main aquifer. This has occurred “despite carrying out the actions” required by the Special Drought Plan that the Teulada-Benitatxell Water Consortium approved and sent to the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation before the summer.

However, the council has pointed out that the latest analytical results show “concentrations of the sodium and chloride parameters in the water higher than the maximum permitted by current technical health legislation.

Parcent Town Council has also warned that it will implement “drastic restrictions” such as water cuts if “significant savings and recovery in water tanks are not achieved in the next 24 to 48 hours”.

This was announced by the Parcent council in a statement on its Facebook account, in which it pointed out that the current situation with drinking water is “very serious”.

“The levels in the tanks are worrying and if immediate savings measures are not taken we will be forced to apply drastic restrictions, even though we are in the midst of the festivities,” warned the Council.

It adds that it is “essential” that all citizens make “responsible use of water, reducing consumption to a minimum.” “If we do not achieve significant savings and recovery in water tanks in the next 24 to 48 hours, we will be forced to implement very severe measures, such as water cuts,” he stressed.

The council subsequently reported that they have already had to cut off the water supply in an area of ​​Coll de Rates.