On Friday morning the square in the centre of Guardamar del Segura hosted a rally in which support was given to the Local Police and the Civil Guard as participants demanded an increase of officers for both security forces.

The rally, convened by the Federation of Public Employees Unions (FESEP), was aimed to make visible the lack of personnel that both forces currently suffer as they “attempt to face and protect the free exercise of citizens’ rights and freedoms.”

The protest took place in the context of the labour conflict that is already taking place between the local police staff and the government team due to both their lack of personnel and the conditions in which they carry out their daily work.

The limitations of the local police force have on several occasions led to the closure of the local police station at night in June and July. The agents refused to perform overtime while their working conditions continue to be unacceptable in a municipality with 18,000 registered inhabitants that reaches 80,000 in August due to the tourist influx.

Two motions have been submitted to the plenary which remain unapproved, the payments nightshifts and holidays and an increase in the number of agents in the complement.

The motions are being supported by all the political formations of the left and right opposition: PP, Vox and the United Left.

Mayor José Luis Sáez shields has failed to comment on the current protests.