Illegal Fishing Longline Removed in Torrevieja


A maritime crew of the Guardia Civil have removed an illegally placed homemade longline fishing device found off the coast of Torrevieja, in which numerous specimens of dead and decomposing tuna and swordfish were caught, as well as other live specimens of various species.

The device was able to be removed thanks to the collaboration of a witness, who reported its location. The events occurred when the Guardia Civil of Alicante received a report from a person sailing in the waters of Torrevieja about the possible existence of an illegal fishing gear, about four nautical miles off Torrevieja, according to the armed institute in a statement.

Maritime Service agents went to the indicated area to verify the events on board the patrol boat Río Ladra. Once there, they observed a surface longline with hooks, in which specimens of tuna and swordfish had been caught that were dead and decomposing, as well as others that were still alive, which were rescued.

After verifying that the fishing gear was illegally deployed, the agents proceeded to remove it, freeing the live specimens and transporting the rest for destruction.

The Guardia Civil has pointed out that using prohibited fishing gear, fishing unauthorised species, catching excessive quantities or doing so out of season or in vulnerable and protected areas “seriously threatens the sustainability of living aquatic resources and harms fragile habitats.”

Fishing regulations aim to strengthen the conservation and sustainable use of resources, so when illegal fishing systems are discovered, the Guardia Civil begins investigations to locate those possibly responsible for their installation.