Orihuela to Get Traffic Light Study


Orihuela Council has resorted to a minor contract for the preparation of a project to renew the 53 traffic light groups in the city.

The objective, according to the document terms, is to seek advice, consultancy and assistance in contracting for the tendering of the reconstruction, modernisation and comprehensive maintenance of the traffic light installations in the municipal area of ​​Orihuela.

Currently, these signals have various operational and safety problems due to technological obsolescence and deficiencies in the existing installations.

The current traffic lights, the document states, use outdated technology that limits the efficiency and functionality of traffic control systems. In addition, current installations are subject to recurring failures, especially during rainy weather, compromising road safety and increasing the risk of accidents. This leads to the continuous need for repairs and maintenance of existing systems, resulting in significant operating costs and inefficient resource management.

Given the importance of having a modern, efficient and safe traffic light system for the city, a detailed study will be carried out and the subsequent implementation of the project to update traffic light crossings. The study will cover the 53 traffic light installations that exist in Orihuela, from the electrical installation to the electrical system that controls the phases, proposing the actions necessary for their modernisation. The general condition of the installations, including poles and heads, must also be studied.

The tender budget will be a total of 17,545 euro including IVAT. The study will be carried out during the remainder of the year, once the contract has been awarded.