Keep Your Torrevieja Comments Coming!


Following our invitation last week to send us your comments and feedback about life in Torrevieja, we have already received lots of feedback, for which we thank you, but you are still welcome to send your comments, questions, and criticisms, we might even make it a regular forum, if it proves useful.

If you missed out last week, let us explain. The Leader has been speaking with Barbara Soler, the head of the PSOE in Torrevieja, and currently opposition councillor, and she would like to know what problems you are experiencing living in the town, or the outskirts.

We have already received numerous comments about rubbish, but keep them coming, and dog mess (just send us the comments, not the actual product!), as well as the bus service, and it will come as no surprise, parking. Please feel free to add your two penneth on those subjects, or add your own.

The idea of this forum is to pass on your real experiences to those in power, as if your question warrants it, she would like to raise your concerns with the local government, and not only get answers, but also work towards finding solutions to any real problems that do exist.

Send your questions, comments, criticisms, or praise, to, and we will compile them, and present them to Barbara in a conversation you will also be able to listen to as a podcast, and read about in The Leader.