Gran Alacant School Integrated with Neighbourhood Initiatives


The IES Gran Alacant, since its inauguration last September, is focussing on neighbourhood integration with the core culture of IES Gran Alacant focusing on fostering critical citizenship and students with the ability to locate themselves in the world, through languages ​​and interpersonal connection.

To connect with the neighbourhood community to which it belongs, the new IES has developed a program of cultural actions (PASOC) whose horizon is the cultural and social integration of the entire community.

Along these lines, due to the international nature of the neighbourhood’s population, many of the projects undertaken have used different languages. With this, the school’s culture, based on multilingualism, connects students from different cultures, present in the neighbourhood, with the knowledge of Secondary Education that is taught in the development of classes.

Coexistence, culture, equality, peace, and nonviolence have all been amongst the topics covered throughout the year, all intent on creating an equitable path of learning and mutual respect throughout the educational journey.