Torrevieja Socialists Affirm PP’s Social Housing Announcement is Just “Pantomime”


The PP President of the Valencia Region, Carlos Mazón, announced a few weeks ago the VIVE Plan with which he intends to build 10,000 social housing units (VPO). The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, announced that he would participate in said plan by giving up land in the La Hoya sector so that the Generalitat could build 600 social homes.

Bárbara Soler, spokesperson for the PSOE, for her part, has stated that the Partial Plan of La Hoya has always included the projection of said homes and was definitively approved in 2021, after several years of processing, so the announcement by Mazón and Dolón “is more than a pantomime with which they try to take credit for the construction of social housing.” The socialist spokesperson recalled that the area where these homes will be located is already being urbanised and will be built soon, as planned, “with and without Plan VIVE” and has stated that “if all the homes that Mazón plans to build start from the “Same point as those in Torrevieja, you won’t have to make much effort because they are already a reality.”

Soler has taken the opportunity to remind the President of the Generalitat that there is abundant legal regulation, both regional and state, that allows “the implementation of packages of measures regarding housing that are essential so that families can have access to affordable housing and that young people can become independent.” This is particularly important in Torrevieja, in the words of the spokesperson, where the price of purchasing and renting housing has multiplied in recent years and continues to increase.

It is a reality that, in some municipalities, construction has been done “above what is advisable.” For Soler, “the supply of social housing is a necessity and we must build it where it is needed, but the priority of the Generalitat should be to manage to inhabit the enormous number of empty homes that municipalities like Torrevieja have, and even more so taking into account that there is a Decree-Law that allows the regional administration to purchase empty housing to use it for social purposes, promoting sustainable development and without having to continue building and always favouring them.”