New signs hope to prevent tragic fall deaths


The mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, has stated that “improvements” will be proposed in the signage of the Santa Bárbara Castle to avoid accidents like the one that cost the life of a woman in the fortress last Wednesday.

Last Wednesday, a 73-year-old woman, who was visiting the Santa Bárbara Castle in the company of her son and grandchildren, fell from a height of about four metres after losing her balance with fatal results.

The mayor, after “deeply” regretting the death, has indicated that they have already commissioned a review of “sensitive areas”, including the Castle, to improve the signage. “These are issues that, no matter how obvious they seem, if you point them out, if you remember them, then it’s much better,” he highlighted.

“Acting in the Castle is complex because it is a super-protected property and, therefore, we need many reports, many authorisations to be able to act with security reinforcements,” he stated, although he specified that they will improve the signage “even if it is provisionally” to prevent a similar situation from occurring again.

Barcala has reiterated his “support and encouragement” to the family of the deceased woman. “It is sad that such an apparently unnecessary accident has occurred and with such a regrettable result,” he said.