LGTBIQ+ Group Denounce Hatred After Torrevieja Carnival Fiasco


The TORREVIEJA DIVERSA association, representative of the LGTBIQ+ community in the town, has issued a statement expressing its firmest rejection of the attacks on social networks directed towards the group following the Carnival parade, in which, they say, “we did not even participate, nor did TORREVIEJA DIVERSA as an association, nor any other group representing the LGTBIQ+ collective”.

“These hate messages were intended to link the group with paedophilia and corruption of minors, in an argumentative ramble without any rigor, with the simple intention to misinform, harm and to criminalise LGTBIQ+ people”.

“The rainbow flag is our symbol, which represents us, but it is not our property, therefore which, with respect, everyone can use it. In fact, the LGTBI flag It has that meaning of inclusion, that all colours fit, and that everyone is welcome, no matter who we are”.

Secondly, in the statement, they wish to defend freedom of expression, artistic representation, criticism and satire, “necessary in a democracy and in a rule of law, and which must be present at the Carnival, and without which this festival would have no meaning”.

Finally, the group wants to express their support for the organisation of the Torrevieja Carnival and the Comparsa Osadía, who have received these and other attacks for the choice of a costume, framed in satire and artistic expression, and that twisted minds have wanted to see something dirty in what is nothing more than a Carnival parade.

It should perhaps be noted that Torrevieja has a history of homophobia which culminated in a n incident when a previous PP mayor, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, now a convicted criminal, made homophobic references so singer Miguel Bose, resulting in the cancellation of a concert planned in the town.

Similarly, it should be noted that the current mayor, Eduardo Dolon, who was mentored by Hernandez Mateo and would easily been seen photographed at the opening of an envelope, is notably absent in events organised by the LGTBIQ+ community (apart from the pre-election campaign), and even the town hall only last year agreed for a far-right VOX event to take place in the same location as a previously agreed outreach facility, resulting in the latter having to be cancelled for fear of the safety of those representative of the LGTBIQ+ community who would have come face to face with members of VOX, known for their condemnation and hatred of the community, so much that they even banned the representation of that all-inclusive rainbow flag in a manner derived from pure fascism.

It is therefore inevitable that the facilitating of these far-right and hate-filled policies result in such abuse, when those trying to deny freedom of expression, such as VOX, are facilitated by the likes of the PP, of which both mayors of Torrevieja mentioned are part.

VOX, meanwhile, now want to have full control of the representations made in Torrevieja Carnival and reserve the right to prevent anything they don´t agree with appearing, which, by any means, is straight from the fascist manual.