Healthcare workers to share 55 million overtime boost


The Valencia regional government has approved a budget item of 55 million euro intended for the productivity supplement received by the staff of the public health system for the additional assistance activity in the health centres, as reported by the spokeswoman and Minister of Finance, Ruth Merino.

The program promoted by the Ministry of Health envisages as a novelty the linking of the collection of this productivity to the fulfilment of the objectives established in the ordinary day. In this way, staff who wish to participate in any of these programs must first comply with the objectives established in their regular schedule. Or, to put it in simple terms, the workers can actually get paid for working overtime.

Ruth Merino has highlighted the effort to compensate for the additional workload of health personnel “in the face of the conjunctural needs of health care or other circumstances, such as seasonality or epidemiological situations that require a greater assistance response”. This is a new agreement, which brings together all the specific productivity programs, designed to respond to the care and preventive demand in the public health system of Valencia during the period of time between February 1 and 31 of December 2024.

The purpose is to have a specific program that allows us to deal with the excess care burden when necessary and in a specific way, and that facilitates quality care both in Primary Care and Hospital Care, as well as in the services of Sanitary and Public Health Inspection.

For this additional activity, the staff receives extra remuneration, and for this year 2024, the Ministry of Health has increased the budget in all modalities and for all professional categories.