Pilar Christian Community Church ” Where every person matters but God matters most!


If we lived in a world where “every person matters but God matters most” would our world be in the crisis it is in today?  Simple answer: No, it would not.  It must grieve God to His very core to see what is going on, to witness His people at war and killing each other – never learning from history, constantly at loggerheads over power, over money, over land, over religion.  His heart must ache at man´s inhumanity to man, and also at our continuing disregard for the earth He so lovingly created and provided for us.

Our hearts ache to see what is going on in Israel & Palestine at the moment.  There are also ongoing huge and serious conflicts in Ukraine and in Guatemala to name but a few.   All we can do is pray and help with aid where possible. And pray and pray, for the innocents,  for those in dire need of life saving surgeries and at this point even basic medical care, and especially for the children.

This weekend we will have celebrated Remembrance Sunday where we remember, respect and honour those who died giving their lives for our freedom.  Living now as we do in a more global and multicultural society, it is no longer just UK veterans from the Great War and WWII that are remembered and honoured,  but all who have given their lives defending their country in order to save their loved ones.  It is our duty to remember their sacrifices and honour their memory.  And what about Jesus, Son of the living God?  Do we remember and honour His great sacrifice? Do you still respect and honour Him, or have you fallen away and forgotten over the years? His enemy is still very much alive and active as those with eyes can all clearly see…

Of course, we must acknowledge that there is good too in the world.  When we consider all of the many charities and volunteers who work tirelessly to help where they can and try even harder to get to where they seemingly cannot go. There are many selfless people who will put the needs of others above their own. We need to pray for these brave people too.

I don´t usually write anything personal but this time I would like to commend the doctors and nurses, in fact all of the staff,  involved in my care during my recent stay at Torrevieja Hospital.  The hospital has received a lot of bad press in recent years after the big changeover. However, I have to say that I have nothing but good things to say about my recent experience.  Having been sent by ambulance to A & E, I have to say that from beginning to end I was treated with great care, with respect and with courtesy.  It was not until after my operation that I realised how bad things had been.  The staff at the hospital were amazing, all of them.

And then for my recovery at home, friends have been so very kind.  I have been overwhelmed by both big and small kindnesses that mean so much, those that make life that much easier when you cannot do for yourself.

This brings me back full circle to the start of this article:  “If we lived in a world where “every person matters but God matters most” would our world be in the crisis it is in today?  Simple answer: No, it would not.”

Can we be kinder?  Each one of us?  Can you be kind, extra kind to one person each day?  Who´s life or outlook on life might each of us change by going out of our way to do even just one extra kindness each day? Let´s try it shall we? Let´s see if we can all make a difference?  Today, this week, every week!

Pilar Christian Community Church. Calle Canalejas 3, Pilar de la Horadada.  phil.molloypccc@gmail.com                English Service at 11am every Sunday. Info at: pilarchurch.com