Marina Bar Christmas Fayre


Our charity “Christmas Fayre” will soon be here at the Marina Bar, Calle de las Rosas, Torrevieja on Sat. 25th November. at 2pm.

There will be various stalls selling Christmas gifts, cakes, artwork, Christmas decorations etc. as well as Tarot Readings, a Raffle, Name The Bear and this year a “Tombooza” a tombola with many bottles of ‘booze’ and related prizes to be won.

We are hoping that Santa will pay a visit to see the children (and the ‘big’ children) and organizers David and Lorraine Whitney are hoping for a good turn out of people like other years. Food and drink will of course be on sale at this friendly bar courtesy of the ‘new’ Marina Bar team of Steph, Dawn Hayley and Mason.

This year this event is in aid of “Age Concern” Torrevieja a very worthwhile local charity so please come along and support this popular annual event on Sat 25th November.