Complementary security measures ordered within level 4 out of 5 of anti-terrorist alert


Complimentary security measures have been ordered in Spain whilst still maintaining level 4 out of 5 of the anti-terrorist alert protocol. This decision has been adopted after the meeting that the acting Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, chaired this Tuesday of the Terrorist Threat Assessment Table, the body in charge of assessing all the security elements that affect the risk of terrorist activity in Spain.

The Ministry, after having analysed all the elements, has decided to implement a series of complementary measures in the current framework defined by level 4 out of 5 of anti-terrorist activation.

Among the measures, the reinforcement of security devices at certain especially sensitive points throughout the national territory and the increase in anti-terrorist measures by the State Security Forces and Bodies stands out.

All these measures will be transmitted by the Secretary of State for Security to the State Security Forces and Corps, to the Government delegations and to the Interior or Security ministries of the autonomous communities that have their own Police forces for their immediate implementation.

Level 4 out of 5

It should be noted that level 4 out of 5 already implies a series of strict measures to reinforce security devices and control and monitoring capabilities by all the organisations involved. Among other factors, certain special units are activated, protection devices are reinforced, surveillance measures on critical infrastructures are increased, cyber surveillance measures are coordinated, and periodic evaluations are carried out on all these measures.

In this Tuesday’s meeting, in addition to the minister, the Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Pérez Ruíz, the general director of Coordination and Studies, José Antonio Rodríguez, as well as representatives of the National Intelligence Centre (CNI), of the National Police, the Guardia Civil, the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Ertzaintza, the Intelligence Centre of the Armed Forces (CIFAS) and the Department of National Security were present.

The representatives of each of the bodies and institutions that participated in the meeting have presented their evaluation of the current security situation in Spain.

This Terrorist Threat Assessment Table, as stipulated in the Anti-Terrorism Prevention and Protection Plan, meets at level 4 with a minimum weekly frequency to evaluate all security elements.