Garden Felix


Globe Amaranth attract butterflies and bees – perfect choice for drying, lasting up to a year!

Gomphrena, better known as Globe Amaranth, is easy to grow, drought and disease resistant – having long-lasting blooms that thrives in hot summers!

The bright pops of pink, white, purple and red are much needed and appreciated during hot weather.

Simple to grow from seeds by surface, sowing direct onto the soil, where there is lots of light for seeds to sprout.

Or, if grown in pots, transplant the seedlings outside during March to July.

You can expect blooms, from April, through September, or October. The more you cut the flowers, the more they will bloom.

Globe Amaranth grows best, when planted in full sun, with well-draining fertile soil.

It is a tough plant, that tolerates hot soil and drought, and can be cut back and left in the ground over winter.

Cut the young branches back to two sets of leaves, if you prefer a fuller looking plant.

A disease resistant plant that  also has few problems with pests.

Globe amaranth will attract butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects and pollinators into your garden.

They make a perfect choice for drying, that can last up to a year, retaining most of their original colour!