Sueña Torrevieja Presents the First Five Candidates of its Electoral List


Pablo Samper, candidate for mayor of Sueña Torrevieja, today presented the two women and two men who will accompany him in the top five positions of the electoral list. Samper said that “I am proud of the great human and political team that we have formed in Sueña Torrevieja, of the colleagues I have by my side here today, but also of those who are behind and of all those who have joined during these last weeks and months”.

“Today it is time to present the two men and two women who will accompany me among the top 5 of the electoral list: Torrevejenses committed to their people, involved in the social, educational and cultural fabric of Torrevieja, wanting to change their city, and who have joined this project because they consider that at this time only a local and independent party can be the true alternative to the Popular Party government.

Samper says that “it is time to present the first 5 of the candidacies of Sueña Torrevieja, but that does not mean that we are going to get only 5 councillors, but that we are going to get many more since we obviously went out to win the elections on May 28. Let all the residents of Torrevieja be clear that we are going to give everything to change the course of this city, as we have been doing during these last four years. In proposals, in team, and in love for Torrevieja, nobody can beat us”.

  1. Pablo Samper

Degree in Political Science

Administrative Manager

  1. Rodolfo Carmona

Councillor in the City Council of Torrevieja

  1. Melina Martin Camacho

Diploma In Occupational Therapy

President of the Ampa Nuestra Señora Del Rosario

  1. Jaime Aniorte

Degree in Law

  1. Alicia Bernabé Ubieta

Senior Styling Technician