Proposal for Campervan Parking in Torrevieja


Sueña Torrevieja has proposed the creation of a dedicated area where campervans and motorhomes will be permitted to park in Torrevieja, to allow improved coexistence between residents and vehicle owners.

Inés Kornwebel, a member of the Sueña Torrevieja committee, points out that the party is working on a proposal to improve the situation with simple and cheap means, without “scaring away” this tourism sector.

For his part, Pablo Samper, candidate for Mayor if Sueña Torrevieja get elected in May, explains that the situation in the beach parking lot and in the La Mata cemetery “is getting out of hand and has no comparison.”

According to Samper, “the campers have been parked there not just weeks, but months.” Plus, he adds, “they don’t have a sewage supply, which means that when the chemical toilet needs to be emptied, it’s dumped anywhere.”

Sueña plans to create permanent sites and equip them with payment facilities, electricity, fresh water and a chemical toilet; penalise violations and make payment immediately; and periodic controls by the authorities, among other things.