Orihuela Officially Recognised as a Tourist Municipality of Relevance in the Valencian Community


Orihuela has been awarded the distinction of being recognised is a Tourist Municipality of Relevance of the Valencian Community.

This was announced by María García, Councillor for Tourism, after the resolution was published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana.

This certification supposes the “recognition of the tourist quality of Orihuela, the work that has been carried out by the Department with the drafting and implementation of the Strategic Tourism Plan that marks the lines of work for the next three years. In addition, with this distinction we will be able to apply for new subsidies that will help improve our quality as a tourist destination”, affirms the councillor.

In this sense, García explains that among the initiatives that have been carried out in “recent months” and that have led to this distinction, is the preparation of a Marketing Plan for the promotion of Orihuela as a tourist destination, the Strategic Plan for Tourism 2022-2025 “with which we list and challenge ourselves three years from now to value all the heritage, cultural and museum resources that make us worthy of this certification which, in turn, consolidates us as a key destination in the Valencian Community”. The actions carried out within the framework of the SICTED (Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destinations) and the enhancement of the main tourist resources such as gastronomy, festivals of international and national tourist interest,

Likewise, the Councillor for Tourism announces that the lines of work that are going to be implemented to improve tourism quality are focused on “improving accessibility, facilitating access to the destination for tourists through new technologies, offering packages that show the different tourist experiences that the municipality presents and of course, promoting all our resources”.