Training for 80 firefighters in Valencia


The regional secretary for Security and Emergencies underlines the commitment of the Consell for the continuous training of professionals from consortia and town halls

The Valencian Institute for Public Safety and Emergencies (Ivaspe) has inaugurated the selective course for firefighters, in which the regional Secretary for Safety and Emergencies, José María Ángel, has participated in the opening of this new training program, where professionals from consortia and town halls participate.

José María Ángel has underlined the “consell’s determined commitment to the continuous training of fire brigades, because greater specialization will result in the mission and values ​​of this essential service, which are to ensure the well-being of citizens and minimize the consequences of catastrophes that are to come.

The course is intended for 33 managers from the Valencia Fire Department, 38 corporals from the Valencia City Council, an official from the Castelló City Council and 8 managers from the Alicante City Council.