Torrevieja ADL Functions Temporarily Relocated


If you have dealings with the Local Development Agency in Torrevieja, Agencia de Desarrollo Local (ADL), you need to check the location of your next appointment as the functions of the department have had to move due to structural problems in their building.

An Urban Planning report has effectively closed the building “for security reasons” as a result of damage to the false ceiling of the training room, according to the Councillor for Employment and Local Development, Domingo Paredes.

As a result, most of the functions will be provided on the 4th floor of the Town Hall, or at the Youth Information and Animation Centre, the Centro de Información y Animación Juvenil (CIAJ), two different locations in the centre of Torrevieja, “until the current damage is repaired and its origin eradicated.”

The councillor apologises for the inconvenience, hoping for “a prompt resolution of the problem that will allow the affected municipal activity to return to normal conditions and in its usual dependencies.”