Orihuela Closes 2022 with 452 Fewer Unemployed Workers


As of December 31, 2022, Orihuela has 4,811 unemployed workers, 452 less than a year ago.

On a month-by-month basis, unemployment has fallen in December by 53 compared to the month of November.

Nationally, a similar picture has presented itself, as unemployment fell by 43,727 people in December and reached the lowest figure since 2007.

By sectors, there are 308 unemployed agriculture workers, 466 from industry, 613 in construction, 3,049 from the services sector, and 169 from other groups.

There are almost a thousand more unemployed women than men in Orihuela, with 2,899 women looking for work, compared with 1,912 men.

In terms of age, by far the leading group are those over 44, where 2,830 people are unemployed, with those between 25 and 44 accounting for 1,690.