The regional Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies has put out to tender the reform works of the Specialised Care Centre for the Elderly of Orihuela (CEAM) in order to adapt the centre to the needs of users and make it more accessible. The bidding budget amounts to 1.4 million euro.

The CEAM in Orihuela is a building built in the 80s in which some urgent repairs have been carried out. Although it is in a correct and well-maintained physical condition, it is outdated with respect to compliance with current regulations, which have been improving compared to those that were mandatory at the time of construction.

The new works will include the incorporation of new fire-fighting measures in the building, the replacement of coatings that are suitable for the type of users of the centre, as well as adaptation of the distribution of spaces to make them more accessible, such as the installation of an elevator and the reform of the toilets to adapt them to people with functional diversity.

The rear garden will also be modernised, introducing a petanque court and various elements of outdoor gymnastics, in addition to improving insulation from the outside and replacing the electrical and air conditioning installation, which will reduce energy consumption.