Exciting and challenging times for 2023 Cricket in Spain

McCulloch: Cricket España implementing objectives in 2023

Torrevieja cricket coach Andrew McCulloch said 2023 is the beginning of exciting and challenging times for Cricket within Spain.

“There is a spell of exciting and challenging few years ahead for all involved in cricket throughout Spain,” said La Manga Torrevieja CC coach (LMTCC) McCulloch.

“Cricket España have successfully launched their strategic plan for the next five year’s and are already putting in place specific ways to implement some of their objectives in 2023,” said Hondon based McCulloch.

Having initiated the plan at the start of 2022 the CE directorate worked in conjunction with the RDO Manager McCulloch and various Regional Development Officers and key personnel to get the backbone of the plan in place.

With the help of ICC Europe the flesh and details were then added and fine tuned to give a purpose and direction for the next five years in Spanish cricket.

Cricket España President Juan Carlos Rodriguez said: ”We are extremely focused on increasing participation numbers throughout Spain, especially amongst Junior and Women cricket.

“Our general growth strategy is in line with that of the International Cricket Council and we are continually striving to produce more outstanding cricketers for the future”.

John Howden, Cricket España CEO, said: “We are all inspired and excited by the challenges and opportunities that await Cricket España.

“We will use our conference in 2023 to plan and implement the objectives in different parts of Spain.

“Key personnel in the focused regions have been involved in the development of the plan from an early stage and we look forward to putting our plans into action.

“Special thanks go to Andy McCulloch for his work in the initial stages and to Michael Kennoy and Andy Wright of ICC Europe for their advice and suggestions in the later stages of the project”.

Howden, Cricket España CEO: Challenges and opportunities awaiting Cricket España
McCulloch: Cricket España implementing objectives in 2023