Mojacar World Premier of the short film “A Dream Come True”


There has premiered in Mojácar the film “A dream come true”, the first film by director José Antonio Carreño, in which he tells the story of the difficulties of a very special woman, Isabel Zamora, a single mother who at the beginning of the last century brought into the world in Mojácar a child about whom the suspicion remains of being one of the most influential characters of all time.

“A dream come true” is the real story of the journey from Mojácar to Chicago by the mother of who could have been Walt Disney. A tough, brave and difficult journey for a single woman with a newborn child, full of dangers which in itself deserves to be the central theme of this production.

Although José Antonio Carreño does not doubt that the child who went to America was Disney, he does not want to enter into that part of the story. The story told in this short film is not about what Walt Disney would be, but about “that single mother who suffered so much and who was disowned by her family and by her neighbours due to a series of circumstances, which is what is recounted. The story starts in 1900 and ends in 1901: “it’s short but very intense, with aspects which in today’s life seem incredible, but which were the reality of those times, the hardness of a family or a village due to a pregnancy”, he adds.

Attending this world premiere in Mojácar was the Mojácar Mayor, Rosa María Cano, her government team, Oscar Gagliardi, representing the Walt Was here? Association, the cast of actors, the production team and a large number of local residents, who more than covered the capacity of the Multi-Uses Centre, and who did not want to miss this premiere.

The short film was, apart from the soundtrack, made entirely by professionals from Almería, among which the performance by Mar Rovira, who plays Isabel Zamora, stands out.

In the very near future, José Antonio Carreño will focus his most immediate plans on presenting his work at the Tabernas Film Festival and on being able to access all the film festivals with the aim of promoting this short film, which now, in Mojácar, has been screened with notable success and for which great success is predicted.