Dad Left Daughter in Car to go Drinking

29/06/2017 El abogado del intendente de la Policía Local de Santa Pola, José Pedro González, ha tildado de "desproporcionada" la detención de su cliente ayer miércoles, en un operativo de la Unidad de Delincuencia Económica y Financiera (UDEF) en el marco de una investigación por supuestas irregularidades en la contratación de uniformes para este verano 2017. González ha advertido, además, "la indefensión" de su cliente porque "no se ha concretado ningún hecho o conducta" sobre los delitos que se le atribuyen POLITICA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA ESPAÑA EUROPA ALICANTE

The Santa Pola Local Police have identified a man on whom judicial proceedings have been initiated after he left his daughter, a girl of 13, alone in the car while he, apparently, went out at night.

The minor herself contacted 112, the Emergency Information and Coordination Centre of the Generalitat Valenciana, through a mobile phone, to report the situation and where she was, inside the car.

A patrol from the Local Police was sent to the location, found the girl, and was subsequently able to contact the girl’s mother, who was outside Santa Pola, and the maternal grandfather.

Once located, the officers discovered that the girl’s father was under the influence of alcoholic beverages and drugs. In addition, among his belongings, he carried narcotic substances.

After the initial action of the Local Police, the proceedings and investigation of what happened have been left in the hands of the Guardia Civil.