Why are ITV Stickers Different Colours?


The ITV sticker is a visual representation that a vehicle has passed the mandatory technical inspection, and also indicates when the next ITV test is due.

ITV Stickers

Its official name, as established in the General Vehicle Regulations, is ‘Distintivo de inspección técnica periódica del vehículo‘ and it has code number, V-19.

These stickers come in three different colours: green, yellow and red. Each tonality corresponds to a different year, in which the inspection of each vehicle expires. This makes it easier for traffic officers to identify current stickers at the roadside.

The order of these colours was set in 1999, the first year these badges were used in this order: green, yellow, and red. Transferred to the present, the ITVs that expire in 2022, in 2025 and in 2028 are green; yellow corresponds to those that expire in the years 2023, 2026 and 2029 and red to those that must be passed again in 2024, 2027 and 2030.

In addition to the colour of the sticker, the bandge also includes other information. The number of the year in which the technical inspection of the vehicle expires is printed in figures (to reinforce the colour information) and the box of the month in which the next revision must be carried out is marked. The number of the station that carried out the inspection and the Autonomous Community to which it belongs also appear.

It is mandatory to display the ITV sticker and you can be fined if you don’t. The V-19 sticker must be clearly visible on the front windscreen of the vehicle. Specifically, in the upper right corner (looking out) so as not to reduce the driver’s visibility. It is also important that only the valid stickers is displayed. You must remove previous, expired stickers.

In the case of motorcycles, which also have to pass the ITV test and display the sticker, it must be displayed in a visible location.

In the event of you needing a replacement, in such a circumstance as having to replace your windscreen, for example, you should visit the issuing ITV station, with your documentation, and they will be able to issue a replacement sticker.

The post Why are ITV Stickers Different Colours? first appeared on N332.es – Driving In Spain.