Orihuela Gains 65,000 euro for Complimentary School Activities


The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport has granted a subsidy to the Orihuela Council for an amount of 65,900 euro to carry out complementary educational activities in the educational centres of the Orihuela municipal area.

The program of activities, which will be carried out throughout this academic year, is aimed at the school population between the ages of 3 and 18.

The initiatives included in the programme, which have been under development for years and are widely accepted and valued by the educational community, aim to contribute to improving education in the municipality, in a broad sense, through the collaboration between formal/non-formal education, promotion of equal opportunities, with the participation of entities and institutions that work in these areas.

María García, Councillor for Education, explained that “in the last quarter of 2022 we will have the contest activity of ‘Cuentos en Navidad’ at Christmas, and the contest ‘ Las abarcas desiertas’ which is already a classic within the education department. These, together with those that will be launched throughout 2023, are complementary activities that favour the educational curriculum of all our schoolchildren”.

In 2023, activities for the promotion of scientific competence and culture can be launched through workshops that the MUDIC (Science Museum) will carry out in schools; creativity laboratories with Pampol Teatre to promote linguistic, artistic and digital skills; promotion of reading through activities organised around the collection of poems that won the 2022 ‘Ciudad de Orihuela’ International Poetry Prize for children together with its author; project ‘We communicate, we relate’ to develop language skills in multicultural educational contexts ; School Theatre Show scheduled for May; Dance Week and summer school, among others.