Flies in municipal areas and La Mata/Torrevieja lagoons. Photo: Joaquín Carrion.

Flies in municipal areas and La Mata/Torrevieja lagoons. Photo: Joaquín Carrion.

Along with Mosquitoes – a plague of flies are eating us following the intense rains that were registered during October – added to the increase in temperatures having favoured the proliferation of mozzies and flies, as Joaquín Carrion found out.

“They are in all the municipal term, but especially in the surroundings of the lagoons of La Mata and Torrevieja,” said Joaquín.

Proyecto Mastral El Tiempo en Torrevieja colleague Joaquín entered the environment of the salty lagoon of Torrevieja.

“We can make a simile with the rain – but we can count about 100 mosquitoes/flies per square metre.

“We are aware that fumigation tasks are being carried out, but the problem continues throughout Torrevieja,” he said.

The situation is a huge issue in and around Torrevieja with Elena Daniela Sivriu voicing her concerns, for both humans and pets.

“In Los Altos they enter our mouths and eyes – also the house looks like a helicopter air base – they bite us and the poor pets. See if the City Council comes to fumigate,” she said.

Areas, including Los Balcones, La Siesta, San Miguel and Los Montesinos are amongst areas ‘under attack’.

It has been noticed people being bitten multiple times – in one case 15 times in less than half an hour of walking.

“I didn’t count the others, so as not to overwhelm myself, but they were more when I got home.

“I hope the plague goes down – but it’s time and more will appear with the rains forecast,” said Tina Costantina.

Monica Meler Martini said: “The incredible thing is that they are also there at noon – not only at dawn and dusk! I don’t know where to walk my dogs anymore.”

It is said in acequion the ‘invasion’ of mosquitoes is tremendous, so much so you cannot go out, it is ‘stinking’.

“I’m going bufá – it’s worth it – they’ve fed me up. I went to Mercadona and got repellent, and so far none has bitten me.  “I dont believe it!  Because prior, I went down to the hermitage and they ate me alive – it’s not just in the lagoon,” said a victim of the swarms.

And there appears to be no escaping the blighters: “Yes, yes, I give in. I went fishing for a while – I had to come away because they were eating me alive!,” said Miguel Martinez.

“It’s crazy, I’ve got bites all over my body. Wherever it is. Acequion, the vane, the centre, turrets, habenida habaneras, torrelamata,” said Jesus Fuente Ceballos.