Way back in April this year our committee came up with the idea of a celebration of musicals and called it ‘A Night on Broadway’ little did we know then’ what a challenge that would be and it has proved to be one of the most difficult productions we have done to date.

With the artistic foresight of our Director Kevin Spicer and our Musical Director Nicole Casey and the hard work of our outstanding cast, we have pulled it off, with only ten days to our opening night we just have to polish off some rough edges and we will be good to go to give you a great night of entertainment.

With that in mind, we need an audience to appreciate all this hard work, so come along and watch our show, you will not be disappointed’ so book your tickets now using our online booking service outlined below.

Pictured from L to R are Paige Charleton, Mike O’Neil, Margaret Cobb, Ashelie Oxley and Don Wilkinson who appear throughout the show in various guises.

The show will run at the Cardenal Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio, between the 10th,11th and 12th of November.

We are always looking for people to join our group (especially men) who can, or who have aspirations to sing, dance and act, or who have experience working in the theatre backstage, in lighting, sound etc and in particular who have experience working with costumes.

If you are that person and would like further information on our theatre company and rehearsal times, or you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website www.studiothirtytwo.org to book tickets online, email tickets@studiothirtytwo.org or call 679 062 272’.

Tickets will also be available for sale in the theatre on the night of the performance.