Sustainable Development Report Presented in Torrevieja


The water supply company, AGAMED, this week presented its Sustainable Development Report (IDS), a document that collects its activity throughout 2021 at a social, environmental, economic and governance level.

This year it focuses on the indicators achieved in the REwater Global Plan, a strategic plan for sustainable development that the company launched in 2017, effective until 2021, where its commitment to active contribution was collected through quantifiable indicators and specific initiatives. to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and specifically to the goals related to the fight against climate change, the preservation and access to water, energy self-sufficiency, the protection of biodiversity and social advances in equity and health.

Thus, after five years of work, this report shows that most of the objectives set have been met by the company. Some of these objectives have even been exceeded compared to those set.

Among the milestones achieved in this period is the progressive recovery of water consumption, which implies a recovery of the city after the pandemic period.

Social commitment is another of the lines of work for which the management company of the integral water cycle has invested the most in recent years, thus, for example, in the last year more than 400,000 euro have been invested in the local community. Likewise, nearly 383,000 euro have been allocated to social funds to help vulnerable groups pay the water bill, and more than 776,000 euro have been financed for the deferred payment of the water bill without interest.

Among the main environmental data presented in this document, it stands out that since 2017, 100% of the electrical energy consumed comes from renewable sources, which has made it possible to avoid the emission of 14,069 t CO2 equivalent; or AGAMED’s important commitment to the circular economy through, for example, the reuse of 100% of treated water, or the recovery of 100% of the sludge extracted in the purification processes. In addition, today, 44% of the AGAMED fleet are ECO vehicles (electric and hybrid).

In the last year, AGAMED has invested 2 million euro between renovation funds and new investments to improve and start up new infrastructures that contribute to improving the management of the integral water cycle, with a special focus on digitisation and continuous improvement of the pluvial networks that allow us to continue improving the collection of these waters during episodes of intense rain.