Child Trapped Under Bus After Being Knocked Down


A 14-year-old girl was injured this Tuesday with polytrauma after being hit by a bus in the city of Alicante.

The girl ended up trapped under the vehicle but was fortunate as the wheels did not pass over her.

The event occurred around eight in the morning when the teenager was walking along Avenida de Alcoy and was going to cross at a traffic light.

At that time, the girl, who was apparently wearing headphones listening to music, looked to one side but not in the opposite direction, where the bus was traveling from.

Not noticing the bus, she began to cross and was run over, hitting her head against the windshield of the vehicle. The minor has left lying on the road and trapped under the bodywork.

The quick intervention of the driver, who has slammed on the brakes, has prevented the teenager from being run over by the wheels of the vehicle, sources have indicated.

Two crews of fire fighters attended the scene, along with a paramedic ambulance.

The minor, who presented polytrauma, has been transferred to the General University Hospital of Alicante in an advanced life support ambulance, according to sources from the Emergency Information and Coordination Centre (CICU).