If you enjoy playing ‘Scrabble’ or word games such as wordsearch, crosswords, ‘Wordle’ or watching ‘Lingo’ or ‘Countdown’, then why not meet like-minded friends who play at Mike’s Scrabble Club in ‘The Shed’, Campoverde every Friday morning from 11am till 1pm.

They are a sociable bunch who just play for fun, no experience is necessary and ‘Scrabble’ boards and tuition are provided.

Mike’s Scrabble Club starts again after the summer break on Friday 02 September 22 in Campoverde Church and Community Hall (‘The Shed’), Avenida del Pino, Pinar de Campoverde 03191.

To find out more contact Mike Shail by e-mail mikeshail45@googlemail.com or telephone 722 445 006.