Major Changes to Torrevieja´s Road Network Proposed


The Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the deputy mayor and councillors for Commerce and Hospitality, Rosario Martínez, and Traffic, Federico Alarcón, presented the traffic study carried out for the entire area of ​​influence of the future area of ​​the port of Torrevieja.

A traffic study awarded to the company DESARROLLO, ORGANIZACIÓN Y MOBILIDAD, SA for an amount of 16,093 euro (IVA included), looked at the layout of the access roads to the port, both from the point of view of the private vehicles that would access the facilities of the leisure centre, the hippy market and fair area, as well as the operation of public transport, and the traffic flows of the current port facilities (fish market, Marina Salinas and Real Club Náutico Torrevieja).

Dolón reported that the study proposes that the traffic entering the port may have quite acceptable circulation levels, since it proposes that the traffic enter the port of Torrevieja through two entry lanes through the Paseo Vistalegre and that it will also has an exit lane.

Therefore, adds the Mayor, the section of road in the road is increased, so the currently existing median will have to be refurbished. Likewise, at the intersection of calle San Policarpo with Ramón Gallud, a roundabout is proposed to improve traffic flow.

In addition, a large second roundabout of 32 metres in diameter is planned, at the current confluence of calle María Parodi with Avenida de la Libertad. This will be the traffic entry roundabout to the port through the new road that will be built and that will allow the articulation of incoming and outgoing flows from the port.

In this way, Avenida de la Libertad is pedestrianised in its entirety, proposing the pedestrianisation of part of calle Rambla Juan Mateo, and the possibility of extending said pedestrianisation to other roads such as part of calles Pedro Lorca and Ramón Cajal is being studied.

All this, indicates the mayor, with reserves of service lanes for access to garages, supply to hotels and shops, and guaranteeing the circulation of emergency vehicles.

Dolón has highlighted the presence and importance of public transport in this area, which will have a bus stop in front of the current entrance to the port, with a stop between the Casino de Torrevieja and Plaza Waldo Calero.

In addition, the section of María Parodi from the roundabout to Ramón Gallud is expected to change direction and be semi- pedestrianised, with circulation only by public transport. Likewise, a taxi rank would be established on calle María Parodi, specifically in Plaza Castelar, which will be remodelled.