Surgery Waiting Times Reduced by a Week


The waiting time to undergo a surgical intervention in the hospitals of the Valencian Community was reduced by one week in July, compared to the same month of last year.

Specifically, the delay stood at 98 days, compared to 105 for the same period in 2021. This is 11 days more than in June 2022 due to the decrease in surgical activity due to the holiday period. The number of patients on the waiting list was 66,128 last July, 5% more than in June.

By health departments, five areas stand out with decreases of more than 20 days in waiting time compared to the previous year: Alcoi, with 46 days less in July this year than in July 2021; Xàtiva-Ontinyent and Alicante-San Juan, with 28 days less each; Sagunto, with 22 days less, and the General University Hospital Consortium of Valencia, 20 days less.

By type of intervention, the reductions in the waiting time for arthroscopies (-29 days compared to July last year) and interventions for adeno-tonsillitis (-23 days) are notable.

Regarding the number of pending operations, the reduction in knee prosthetic interventions stands out by 7% (1,056 requests less than in July 2021) and hip prostheses by the same percentage (591 fewer requests). With minor decreases, there are also improvements in pending interventions for carpal tunnel (96 fewer requests) and phimosis (39 fewer requests).