Rojales Recovers Fiesta Schedule with more than Fifty Events


The Mayor of Rojales, Antonio Pérez, along with the Councillor for Fiestas, Jesús Martínez, launched the schedule of events this week, which includes a booklet and poster, featuring some 50 events that will be held in the municipality, including the patron saint festivities in honour of San Pedro Apóstol and Moors and Christians 2022.

Nearly 50 events make up the planned program, which will take place from June 11 to July 3, with a series of events for all audiences, where the departments of Festivals, Culture, Sports or Youth have participated. In addition, the municipality will have the installation of the already traditional Fair.

Antonio Pérez highlights that in this 2022 two years without parties will end: “I hope that we enjoy the parties with respect, because the festive is at odds with bad behaviour”.

For his part, Jesús Martínez thanks all the people and associations in the municipality, especially the Central Board of Moors and Christians, for their great work, involvement and altruistic work so that Rojales has splendid festivities. He has also dedicated words of thanks to the authors of the literary collaborations of the festival book: Carmelo González, José Mora, Augusto Viudes and Miguel Manuel Barberá.

Martínez has announced some news. Among them, the change of location of the Bonfire, which will be located next to the Reina Sofía bridge; the celebration, on June 28, of a day with special prices   for fair attractions; a children’s party and that the multicoloured parade will be held a week before the Moors and Christians parades.

The festival booklet, which can be collected from the town hall and can be downloaded in PDF format from the town hall website,, collects everything that has happened in the municipality in recent years after a two-year break in its edition due to the pandemic. It also includes a description of all the Moors and Christians troupes, and their representatives for these festivities.