It was with great sadness to learn of the sudden death of long-standing Thader Rojales football club super fan, Peter Allen.
There were many friends and family members at Rojales crematorium, some dressed in blue shirts, to celebrate the life of this lovely man.
Born on 3 October 1948 in Liverpool, Peter chose the ‘blue’ side of the city (Everton & Tranmere) to show his allegiance. Moving to Manchester, Peter was employed at the city airport for most of his working life. He had 3 children and gained 4 more when he married Thader director Anne in 1994.
When they moved to Spain later that same year, he added Thader to his list of ‘blue’ teams. Thader became a big part of his life, and he loved taking any of his 14 grandchildren to games when they visited.

Both Peter and Anne loved cycling, having many touring holidays. They even cycled from Lands End to John O Groats, getting married at Gretna Green.
Peter attended Spanish cookery classes, becoming a master at paella. He worked hard at integrating into his adopted town of Rojales, having many Spanish friends, who thought of him as a true Rojalero.
CD Thader recent home match against Aspe was a homenaje to Peter.