Alicante Airport Breaks Rainfall Record

Alicante Airport Breaks Rainfall Record
Alicante Airport Breaks Rainfall Record

Accumulated precipitation at Alicante-Elche airport on Thursday night and Friday morning, according to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), was 101 l/m2 in just one hour.

The figure is the most rainfall in that time and area since records began in 1967. In these last days of the week the rainfall has returned to the Valencian Community, with great intensity in the Vinalopó regions.

Aemet described the rainfall as “really extraordinary”, on account that it occurred in the cold season, at the beginning of March. The historical maximums of which there is evidence date from September 12, 2019, with 67.6 l/m2 and October 20, 1982, with 60.

Until now, the rainiest months of March at the Alicante-Elche airport were in 1971, with 93.4 l/m2, and in 2021, with 94.6. The monthly historical maximum of precipitation in the whole month has also been exceeded.