Galway summer festival cancelled due to coronavirus


Galway summer festival cancelled due to coronavirus

By Andrew Atkinson

Michael Moloney, General manager of Galway races has released a statement on behalf of Galway Race Committee, in relation to the Galway races 2020 summer Festival that has been cancelled, scheduled for July 27-August 2.

“In the light of the evolving situation regarding Covid-19, for public health and safety reasons Galway Race Committee has reached the difficult but unavoidable decision that the 2020 Galway Races Summer Festival will not be able to take place as an event open to the general public this year.

“We know this will be a huge disappointment for all our racegoers that attend year on year.

“It may prove possible to run the Galway Races behind closed doors, dependent on Government policy and the approval of Horse Racing Ireland and Irish Horse Racing Regulatory Board.

“This would be for the benefit of the racing industry, our valued partners and our television audiences at home and internationally.

“We are currently planning for this scenario and we will update you on progress as and when we can.

“For Customers who have already paid for admission tickets and corporate hospitality, Galway Race Committee would like to reassure all of our customers that we will be operating a full refund policy.

“While the teams at Galway Racecourse and Lydon House Catering will commence this process immediately please bear with us as our teams are operating remotely due to the current Government restrictions in place. We appreciate your patience while this is being carried out.

“We would like to sincerely thank you for your support and understanding during this unpreceded time. Our thoughts are with all those affected as a result of Covid-19. We offer our deepest gratitude to staff at the HSE, front line workers and members of our community nationwide for their dedication and perseverance.

“We look forward to being able to welcome you all back to Ballybrit when it is safe to do so. For now, please look after yourselves. Stay safe and healthy.”

The post Galway summer festival cancelled due to coronavirus appeared first on Horse Racing News and Tips.