Rebecca and her four children: Spain vacation.
Rebecca and her four children: Spain vacation.

By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive

A police drugs bust took place in Spain – as children played on the beach – with rafts of cocaine confiscated.

“We went to the beach and all of a sudden people appeared and started filming three boats – caught smuggling cocaine onto the beach!,” Rebecca Barrett told The Leader.

Rebecca, a single parent from Portsmouth, is currently on holiday in Spain, with her four young children in Malaga.

“TV crews were there while the police drugs bust was happening, which was on the news,” said Rebecca, on vacation from the UK, who is touring Spain and heading to visit Benalmadena.

The Leader reported, in one of many drugs bust operations this year, Officers from the Guardia Civil working at Alicante-Elche Airport arrested two people on the suspicion of offences against public health, after intercepting a massive amount of drugs.

“We are here for another six weeks and would love to visit the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida areas,” said Rebecca.