Pilarmonics are the 2019 Spanish National Champion Chorus Again.

Pilarmonics - SABS National Champion Chorus 2019 by Eric Ideler.
Pilarmonics - SABS National Champion Chorus 2019 by Eric Ideler.

On Saturday 6th April 2019, SABS (Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) held their Annual Convention in Calpe, Alicante, where choruses and quartets from all over Spain competed in what was a superb contest.

On that Saturday morning all competitors were up early with full stage make up and stage outfits on before 9am.  Pilarmonics had a last minute pep talk and warm up before crossing the contest stage and performing to the judges and audience. Their mantra was to sing from the heart to touch hearts, to enjoy their time on stage and to have fun. And boy they did all that and more.

Many months of rehearsal, dedication and coaching paid off when Pilarmonics, based in San Cayetano, Murcia, was awarded the GOLD medal as 1st placed chorus in the Spanish National Competition with the highest score ever awarded in the National contest of 74.8%.

In addition, they also received trophies for the Highest score in all 3 categories which are Music, Singing and Performance. Musical Director, Dawn Ritch who lives in Cabo Roig, said “This is beyond our wildest dreams.

When we won 2 years ago in our first ever competition we wondered whether we would ever replicate that success but we’ve done it and with the highest score ever so we’re doubly pleased to be Double Gold Medal Champions. We all worked so very hard in preparation for the contest and are thrilled to be the Spanish National Champions again.”

Pilarmonics President, Jo Scott, said “We received amazing feedback from the judges, particularly the esteemed Performance Judge, Joe Connelly from the USA, who pointed out that we are actually the ‘undefeated champions of Spain’ competed twice won twice! We definitely loved hearing that!” The annual AGM of the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers took place shortly before the end of the convention and two members of Pilarmonics were voted on to the SABS Board as President (Dawn Ritch) and PR (Donna Walsh) so its exciting times ahead not only for Pilarmonics but also for SABS.

Donna Walsh, who has been with Pilarmonics since the beginning said “We all work really hard together to make a great team, we have an amazing Musical Director in Dawn who continues to learn and grow as we all learn and grow. In the barbershop world you never stop learning.

We have had some terrific coaches who have helped shape us as a chorus and we are all so very proud of each other as we work hard in harmony and friendship to have fun and sing. We are still in awe at being awarded the highest ever score in the Spanish National Contest. We are absolutely delighted.”

“We are also proud that Pilarmonics will be representing Spain in the International Contest in Killarney, Ireland in October.” Donna added.

In addition to chorus success 2 members of Pilarmonics also entered the International Quartet Contest with their quartet, Double Bass, and were also awarded with the 1st Place Gold Medal. So it was Double Gold for Sarah Cole (who has been with Pilarmonics since its inception) & Karen Adamson who are both based mainly in the UK but travel to Spain for rehearsals and coaching.

Pilarmonics began only in January 2016 and rehearsals take place in San Cayetano and Dolores de Pacheco every Wedndesday evening from 6.45pm – 9.15pm then they head straight to the local bar for a couple of drinks and more singing. 

If you would like to see the Undefeated Champion Chorus of Spain in action and find out what barbershop is all about then please contact Caroline Francis by email secretary.pilarmonics@gmail.com or phone 696 720 025 to chat with Donna Walsh. Check out  their Facebook page with a like www.facebook.com/pilarmonics to be kept up to date on future events etc..

If you’d like to book Pilarmonics for your event you can get in touch in the same way.