La Marina Golf Society – The Helena And Paolo Trophy


Font dell Llop was the venue for the above trophy and as usual the course was in immaculate condition and a good turnout of members and guests made for a very competitive day.

Winner of the Silver group with 34 points was evergreen John Milton , but with 36 points ,the Gold group and consequently the Helena and Paola Trophy went to Danny Divers .

Nearest the pins and a share of the 2’s pot went to Alistair Quin, John Milton(2) and Jim Fegan, with the other NTP won by Captain Bill Stobo.

Our next meeting is at Altorreal on March 21st ,first tee 10.00 at a cost of 45 Euros.

List is on the board at the La Marina Sports Centre or contact Alan Craig on

Finally, many thanks to Helena for the after-match food, very tasty as usual.