Do You Know the Latest Changes to Traffic Law?

Do You Know the Latest Changes to Traffic Law?

In a world in which we have to adapt to technological advances which are developing at an alarming rate, traffic laws also have to change constantly to keep up with many of these advances. It is important that you keep abreast of new regulations to ensure that you are in no danger of invalidating your car insurance in Spain.

Not only that, roads appear to be becoming more deadly, with a once declining trend in deaths and serious injuries, these now seem to be on the increase again, and so governments must act, as if education hasn´t worked, enforcement is the only option.

What changes have been implemented this year so far? What can we expect soon? These questions, and others are answered in the latest presentation by the N332 team, who are starting touring the local area with the Road Safety Roadshow.

Between now and the spring, we are planning our visits to various social and community groups to give a talk on road safety.

If you represent a group, and can get at least 50 people together (more is better) at your local venue, then get in touch if you would like us to add you to our schedule.

We already have some bookings for the season, and are talking with other group representatives, but we are always happy to visit more.

If you are interested, send us an email to and we can start the process and add you to our schedule.

By the way, this is a new presentation again for 2018/2019, and so if we have visited you in the past, we are happy to return, just get in touch with us again.