Orba Warblers Golf Society Wednesday 30th May, Presidents Cup at La Sella

Orba Warblers Golf Society Wednesday 30th May, Presidents Cup at La Sella

Despite an extremely heavy downpour during the round at La Sella most Warblers completed their round and returned dripping to the comfort of the club house for a warming drink.

Today we were playing for the Presidents Cup, one of the society’s major trophies and therefore the prizes were awarded 1 to 6 with no divisional split. In sixth place, making a welcome return was Malcolm Robinson with 31 points off 25.6, fifth place went to Peter Gibson with a score of 32 off 24.6, fourth went to Glynn Braidley scoring 33 off 8.7, third place was taken by the former president himself, Arthur Sullivan, with a score of 34 from 23.8, in second place was Michael Taylor with 35 from 17.2 and our champion and winner of the trophy on the day was Barbara Pollitt with 36 points from 24.9.

The nearest the pin prizes went to Glynn Braidley on hole 5, Barbara on hole 8, Tim Harrison on hole 15 and Chris Williamson on the 18th which he converted for a two, Chris also won the football card.There was one knock-out match played today and Barbara Pollitt beat David French 7 & 5.

Next week, Wednesday June 13th we are at Alicante, the first tee is at 10.30 so we need you there for 09.45 to book in, guests are always welcome, contact Michael on 639242896.