Mojácar’s Seniors Visit Andarax Y Fondon

Mojácar’s Seniors Visit Andarax Y Fondon

Mojácar’s seniors recently enjoyed a day out together, organized by Mojácar Council, visiting the towns of Laujar de Andarax and Fondón.  Accompanied by Social Services Councillor, Ana Garcia, fifty residents over sixty five years old, took the opportunity to take part in yet another activity specially programmed by the Council for the older generation.

Throughout the year, a number of things are planned for this sector of the population that, in this town, is ever increasing and so naturally demands greater attention.

“We have many activities for the elderly,” said Ana Garcia, “from memory workshops, exercise and information technology classes, active aging programmes and social days, as well as help with transport and anything else we can do to combat two of the biggest problems, those of loneliness and isolation.”

The sights at both Andarax, in the heart of Alpujarra Almeriense and Fondón, with its Moorish houses and its Mudéjar Church, were appreciated by everyone on the trip, with requests for another excursion very soon.

For the moment, the “A Walk for Life” course is still running, which includes memory workshops, advice on healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as sessions to stimulate the mind.

In September, the course will continue with communication and personal growth workshops, with another trip being planned for before the summer break to Granada and the Alhambra Palace.  Also following the summer holidays, the Red Cross, Guardia Civil and Protección Civil will be involved in giving a course on accident prevention in the home, as well as basic first aid.