SAMM Racing Season Spring 2018 Starts

Race Winners 18.03.18

The first race day of the SAMM 2018 Spring Series on March 11th had to be cancelled due to the extremely high winds but was re-scheduled for Sunday March 18th.

The day dawned cloudy and colder than of late with 10 to 12 knot winds gusting to 15/16 on occasions and this probably affected the turnout which was disappointing at only 6 competitors crewing 3 boats, two Gamba’s, Shoestring Uno and Cuatro and the Balaton Sailfish 18 Mistral.

Shoestring Uno & Cuatro 2 18.03.18
Shoestring Uno & Cuatro 2 18.03.18

The Gamba crews, pictured left to right, were Cuatro Jack and John, Uno Jim and Julian; perhaps we should call them the “J” Class. On Mistral were Robert and Leon.

In the first race, the Gambas, being faster, slowly pulled away from the Sailfish as they strongly contested the lead over the four laps. As very evenly matched boats and crews the correct tactics on the upwind beat leg was the deciding factor on who was ahead throughout the race Cuatro was ahead on lap 1 by 17 secs, but by lap 2 Uno was in front by 29 secs and increased this to a 2 minute 44 seconds lead at the finish.

All 3 Boats
All 3 Boats

In the second 3 lap race these two boats again fought hard for the lead with Uno slightly ahead at the completion of laps 1 and 2. But they made the wrong tactical decision on the final upwind leg of lap 3 that allowed Cuatro to win the race by 1 minute 36 seconds.

The next race day is Sunday March 25th.