Explorers blown off course by Meteors

Explorers blown off course by Meteors
Explorers blown off course by Meteors

La Marina Report by Barry Latham

The Explorers went voyaging over to play San Miguel Meteors and unfortunately got blown away by accomplished opposition with score of 2-12 to them. Shirley Hadaway’s trio of Phil Pape and Hilary Cronk were our only winner 19-10. 

Funny sort of game I believe when Emerald Isle Neptunes came over to play our Pathfinders with us winning just by 8-6.  There were a lot of high scoring rinks which led to the Neptunes winning by two shot overall while we won on four rinks.  So well played Alan Castle, George Furzer and Lorita Rae 16-14. Even more so to John Morgan, Arthur Cronk and Paul Tregoing a great20-7 win and even, even more, more so by John Rae, Barbara Forshaw and Martin Butler winning 34-8. 

Mustn’t forget Len Daniels, Mike Brain and Mo Taylor who struggled to win 10-0 as the opposition didn’t turn up.  Monday night saw us posh up and turn out for our Christmas meal and Disco at Paolas and Eleanors. 

Luckily most people had left before the Competition Secretary took hold of the microphone and gave the worst singing performance of the evening. Bless.  Thanks very much to Jean Tregoing for organising it all.  

Last game before Christmas saw the Winter League hop over to San Miguel and lose but the Hadaway’s teams did it again with both of them skipping a winning rink to give us our four points.

So good on you Dave and Dave Taylor, Gina Hindle (with a bad back) and Mo Kidd won 19-17 and Shirley led her three of Phil Pape, Mike Surch and Janet Parsons to a 16-14 victory.  So all it leaves me to say is Health and Happiness to all the bowlers in Spain for 2018….. even the ones who beat me.

Happy Christmas.